In another testimony to the quality and service standards at Wockhardt Hospitals ,IndUShealth which is among one of the well known medical tourism facilitator for North Americans has described the patient care facilties and post operative treatment at Wockhardt Hospitals as one as one the the best among the top hospital across the world.
Writing in his Blog ,Tom Keesling mentions about the Indian healthcare system in general and his experience at the Wockhardt Hospitals .
Tom was the President and CEO for hospitals in Kentucky and Michigan, specializing in turnaround services for financially distressed hospitals. His efforts resulted in the creation of high-performance, sustainable healthcare systems in the US
In his blog post "Wockhardt Raises the Bar for Surprise and Delight" Tom writes
Tom was the President and CEO for hospitals in Kentucky and Michigan, specializing in turnaround services for financially distressed hospitals. His efforts resulted in the creation of high-performance, sustainable healthcare systems in the US
In his blog post "Wockhardt Raises the Bar for Surprise and Delight" Tom writes
I have enjoyed the personal satisfaction of watching hundreds of patients leave the United States in physical pain and financial worry, and returning from our partner hospitals in India having benefited from an extraordinary medical and personal experience . As a former hospital CEO, I have marveled at how quickly the Indian healthcare system has evolved...and wondered if the US system could ever provide the same value if we could magically remove third party payers, and the other unique burdens of capitalism.
Talking about an incident at Wockhardt Hospitals Bangalore, where the local staff celebrated the wedding Anniversary of a couple while the wife was recovering from a cervical disc replacement. Unknown to the patient and her husband, the hospital team at Wockhardt Hospitals took the occasion of a previously arranged tour of the city to treat them to a surprise wedding anniversary dinner at a local restaurant...complete with music and chocolate cake.
This,according to Tom might seem a perfect example how Wockhardt Hospitals has succeeded in pushing up customer service to the highest standards,and raised the bar for surprise and delight.
Commenting on the difference in post operative care Tom writes "In the US, the patient only needs to be ready for discharge from the hospital...in India, the patient must be ready for the journey back home. So Indian post-surgical physical therapy is immediate and continuous right from the surgery.