Friday, March 19, 2010
4 kg liver tumor removed from a Nigerian Patient
Monday, March 15, 2010
Wockhardt Hospitals Bangalore is now Fortis Hospitals
Giving a new life to a 99 year old man with a hip replacement surgery. Inspiring a 69 year old to run a marathon just 10 months after both his hips were replaced, and no letting the dreams of a young dancer end by innovating knee surgery itself.These are not success stories but stories of triumph of what human spirit was capable of with just a little help from our doctors.
What could inspire us to become one of the countries foremost facilities in orthopedic care where constantly innovate the norm with 10,000 of the finest healthcare professionals in the country each with living testament to their field of medicine where we strive to put people back to their lives faster through our network of 46 hospitals. Where we tireless update ourselves to deliver the best orthopedic treatments to patients across the world,all to enrich your life no matter what restricts your strive.
One would think 3500 joint replacement surgeries last year is an achievement in itself.But at Fortis we believe that there are more we can free from pain,discomfort and dependence and we will only continue to strive harder.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Women's Health Check up at Marathahali Clinic,Bangalore

Details about Health check up camp from 8th march to 20th march
The Health Checkup details are CBC with ESR
- Urine routine
- BB and Rh Type
- Paps Smear
- USG abdomen/ Breast Scan
- Gynecology consultation
- Additional test: USG abdomen or Breast scan - Rs. 300
- Cervical cancer and its prevention
- Breast Cancer
Fortis Hospitals (formerly Wockhardt Hospitals & Kidney Institute) launches a Guide to Cancers of Kidney
- It pioneered in Lithotripsy - the non-surgical non-invasive way of treating Kidney stones in India with the introduction of Lithotripter using ultrasonography and X-ray for localization of stones and electro-magnetic waves to crush them.
- It has performed the maximum number of PCNLs (stones extracted through a small hole at the back)
- It performs the maximum number of kidney stone as well as kidney surgeries per month with success rate at par with leading hospitals in Eastern India catering to over 50 million people. It performed the first successful Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy in Kidney Transplant surgery in Eastern India.
- It introduced Penile Implant surgery in the Eastern India for the first time.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Joint Pain Camp at Kalyan from 8th-15th March
Fortis Hospitals ,Mumbai, Kalyan is organising a " Joint pain Relief Camp" at the Kalyan facilty from 8th March to 13th of March. Pls write to enquiries@wockhardthospitals.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to set up a appointment,or call 0251-6694100/4113
Some of the causes of Joint Pains are
* Strains or Sprains: usual and repetetive exertions on a specific part of the joints causes this condition.
* External Injuries : external injuries like a fracture ,getting hurt and accidental damages can cause joint pain.